
The Crystal Shinigami ch 3

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Literature Text

The Crystal Shinigami

Chapter Three


Enmaki was annoyed, and rightfully so. The pink-haired hollow-turned-shinigami was watching her sleep. Or, rather, pretend to sleep. He didn’t seem aware of this fact, but she didn’t care. She ‘accidentally’ let her reiatsu slip and get slowly higher. The guy’s eyes widened and he stumbled back, letting out a shrill, “Eeek!”

Gin sniggered from the door. “I think she’s awake, Szayel.” He commented, even as she opened her eyes and glared at the pair. “And she’s mad, too.”

“I should sick my demi-dragon on you.” She growled, containing her reiatsu once more.

Gin sniggered. “I still wanna pet ‘er.”

“She’ll still bite.” Enmaki retorted.

“Hey! Get up! Aizen-jerk-wad wants to see ya!” The orange haired woman that had been telling the Startrek joke the night before said. “I’m Matsumoto-“

“Rangiku. I know.” Enmaki sat up, wrapping her blanket around her nude form. “Now, everyone out! I don’t care if you stay, Rangiku-san.” She stretched and the blanket slipped a little.

Gin was watching with way too much interest for comfort.

“OUT!” The enraged Enmaki screamed, her reiatsu raising so high that Matsumoto actually dropped to her knees. The men quickly scrambled out of the room before they were killed. “Damn hentais.” Matsumoto was staring at her. “What?”

“Your reiatsu…” The woman said in awe, still on her knees.

“What about it?” Enmaki got up and walked quickly to the door and locked it, the blanket wrapped loosely around her. She turned back to the other shinigami.

“It’s… so strong…” She gulped and stood up slowly.

“Yeah. Annoying, huh?” Enmaki shrugged and pulled on the white shirt she’d worn the day before. It was very similar to the shinigami shihakusho’s haori. She wore nothing under it and pulled on a pair of white hakama.

“You don’t wear anything under your haori?” Matsumoto asked.

“Have no reason to.” Enmaki smirked. “Plus, it gets hotties pretty quickly. Want some sake? I have cherry and raspberry.”

“Yeah! I love raspberry sake!” Matsumoto grinned and sat on the edge of the bed as Enmaki sifted through a white leather bag. “Do you have some weird attraction to the color white?”

“It’s in my zanpakutou’s name. ‘Shirajirashii Rouzeki’.” She shrugged. “It stuck. White’s my signature color. I’m considering dyeing my hair white.”

“No! Don’t do that! It’s so pretty!”

“Um, right. Oh! There it is!” She pulled an unopened bottle of red tinted rice wine out of the bag and turned to Matsumoto with a grin. “Mind drinking from the bottle?” She tossed it to the other woman, who caught it deftly.

“Nah. I usually do, anyway.” She opened it and took a healthy swig as Enmaki pulled out another bottle, this one was cherry.

“So do I.” She swallowed about half the bottle in one sitting, then quirked a brow at Matsumoto. “Man, you got some big tits.”

Matsumoto giggled, already tipsy and more than half her bottle gone. “You’re not far behind.”

Enmaki blinked drowsily and looked down at the cleavage that showed from the part of her haori. A lot of cleavage. “Wow. You’re right. If I get much bigger, I could beat you in a big booby contest.” This was, of course, quite an exaggeration. Enmaki’s breasts were about a third less the size of Matsumoto’s. But they didn’t seem to care, come to think about it.

“As entertaining as this conversation is and will most undoubtedly get, Yasuraka-san has an appointment with Aizen-sama.” A voice drawled from the door. They looked up to see none other than Ulquiorra. He was watching them with half-lidded eyes and a quiet amusement that had Matsumoto sexually frustrated.

“Did anybody tell you that you look emo?” Enmaki asked with a yawn. “Alright. Let’s go see this chap.”

“Chap?” Ulquiorra quirked a brow.

“Yep.” Enmaki walked past him and down the hall, surprisingly in the right direction.

“Wait! Don’t leave me with the mega-jerk!” Matsumoto wailed, running after her new friend. She tripped a few times and was caught each time by Ulquiorra.

He was going to have quite an annoying time keeping an eye on Matsumoto as Aizen-sama had requested. Why did he get all the big-breasted women?


Yamamoto stepped into the infirmary and held up a hand when Unohana reached from her position on the floor to wake the sleeping Byakuya. “No.” He whispered.

She blinked, confused. “Um, he wanted to be awake to tell you the details. He asked me to wake him.” She explained in her normal voice. The Kuchiki heir didn’t even stir.

“He needs his sleep, my dear. You can tell me what you know and I’ll get anything you weren’t there for from Hisagi and Kuchiki, when he wakes. No need to wake him up. Now, come with me.”

She blushed in embarrassment suddenly. “Um, I can’t. I tried moving away earlier, but…” She stood and tried to step away, but Byakuya’s hand suddenly materialized on her wrist. “His subconscious won’t let me go.”

A deep, rumbling chuckle formed and displayed itself from Yamamoto’s chest and he smiled at the woman. “The boy won’t let you leave him, even in his sleep. Maybe he fears being alone. What do you think?” He lifted a kind brow at her.

She shrugged helplessly. “I don’t know. Mayuri-san would be better at guessing the reason than I am.”

“I see. Than I shall go speak with Hisagi Shou hei first, then come back and try again with you. If all else fails, we’ll wake the boy up.” He bowed slightly. She returned the gesture, even as he left the room.

She sighed. “Really, Byakuya. You shouldn’t hold me captive like this.”


The first thing Byakuya heard upon waking was a very familiar chuckling. “The boy won’t let you leave him, even in his sleep.” Yamamoto’s voice said in amusement. “Maybe he fears being alone. What do you think?” The man asked.

Byakuya wanted to shout at him. Call him names and tell him that he wasn’t afraid of anything, but couldn’t even open his eyes. He hurt all over and the effort of speaking would be too much. Then a soft, angelic voice spoke up, calming him instantly.

“I don’t know. Mayuri-san would be better at guessing the reason than I am.” Unohana replied, sounding helpless and embarrassed.

Yamamoto sighed. “I see. Than I shall go speak with Hisagi Shou hei first, then come back and try again with you.” He said. “If all else fails, we’ll wake the boy up.” After a pause, his steps receded from the room.

Byakuya wanted to now protest at being called a boy. It was outrageous and he was most certainly an adult, not a boy, or child, of any form. How could Yamamoto insult people so? Once again, Unohana spoke, unknowingly calming the beast in Byakuya.

“Really, Byakuya.” She sighed. “You shouldn’t hold me captive like this.”

“You’ve never said my name before.” He managed to croak.

She let out a gasp. “You’re awake!”

He peeled his eyes open and focused them on her. “Yes. Did you only say my name because you thought I was asleep?”

She flushed brilliantly, making her seem more beautiful than she already was. Byakuya found he wanted to make her blush all the time, not just now. “Nevermind. Don’t answer that.” He said before she could speak. He saw her sigh in relief, then look to see if he’d seen it. The blush started to recede, but Byakuya wouldn’t have that. “You look… amazing when you blush.” He said.

Her eyes widened and the flush returned full force. “I-I… don’t know what to say, Kuchiki-taichou.”

He smirked slightly. “You do only say my name when you think I am asleep and won’t hear it.”

Her face turned a deeper shade of scarlet and rather than answer, she looked down. He followed her gaze and realized he was holding her wrist firmly in his hand. A hand that had killed many, felled unimaginable foes. Even given Kurousaki Ichigo a run for his money.

“Are you… trying to embarrass me?” She asked softly.

He smirked. “Yes.” He slipped his hand lower and grasped hers. “Like I said, you look amazing when you blush. Like a goddess.” He paused. Deciding to try his luck at humor, he said, “The goddess of medical supplies.”

She smiled slightly, and he found that was even more rewarding than her blushes. “Are you… flirting with me?”

He cocked his head curiously. “Is that what it’s called? Flirting… Yes. I suppose I am.”

Her receding flush returned to her face and a radiant smile curved her lips. It was enough to make any man crazy, and the mighty Byakuya was no exception. “You know how to flirt? I always thought you stoic and uncaring.”

“At least I’m not uncouth.” He replied, and was rewarded with another brilliant smile.

“At least.” She looked him in the eyes. “Byakuya.”

“Music to my ears.” He smirked.

“I’ve really got to get back to work.” She stood.

He applied pressure to her hand, not enough to hurt her, but enough to keep her from getting away, and shook his head. He realized he wasn’t in the least plagued by his pain, but shoved the thought away. “I will not allow it.” He said in the same voice that he’d told Renji he wouldn’t allow the boy to save his sister so long ago.

Her eyes widened and she didn’t seem to breathe for moment. “Wh-why not?” She asked finally.

He pulled her closer, sitting up in the process. “Because I’m going to kiss you.” He pulled her to the edge of the cot and turned his body, giving her every chance to escape. He even loosened his grip on her hand. She didn’t pull away and he touched her lips with his own.

She sighed into his mouth and wrapped her arms around his neck, careful to avoid the long slash on his back. He wrapped one arm around her waist and the other under the bends in her legs and pulled her onto his lap. She pulled him closer, deepening the simple kiss and his tongue darted out. He rubbed it on her soft bottom lip, reminding him of silky pillows, and she opened her mouth to give him entrance. He reached up and held her face between his hands as he slipped his tongue inside her moist cavern. She tasted surprisingly of marshmallows. The thought almost gave him pause, but he paid it no heed and once again shoved such a silly thought from his mind.

All that mattered right now was the beautiful woman in his arms.

He ran his tongue along her teeth and then stroked her own with it. She moaned. He pursued. Another stroke was rewarded with yet another moan and he smirked against her mouth.


Unohana could barely gather a coherent thought, and Byakuya’s mind-numbing kiss wasn’t helping at all. She should pull away and put a stop to this before one of them got hurt. She should remind him of his dead wife and her sister. She should tell him she wasn’t the kind of woman that just kissed anybody. She should do a lot of things, but she didn’t do anything. Well, unless you counted kissing Kuchiki Byakuya.

He tasted of brown sugar and mint, a surprising combination, and she wondered if it was natural. She wanted to stay in the wonderful embrace until she could no longer think. Sadly, however, her lungs had different ideas and better needs, forcing her to pull away and gasp in the wonderful oxygen. He was watching her closely as they both panted.

She wanted to say something, anything, which would relay what that felt like, what she was feeling now. She wanted to tell him that there were butterflies in her stomach and her heart was beating so fast, she might as well have run a marathon. She wanted to let him know what he tasted like and ask him if it was natural, or if he’d added the taste. She wanted him to see how much that kiss had effected her. How much it would undoubtedly plague her mind for the next week, maybe longer. She really wanted to kiss him again, to see if that taste would go away. He had a different idea.

“You taste like marshmallows.” He informed her bluntly, giving her courage to speak.

“Is that better than brown sugar and mint?” She asked, blushing even as she said it. She’d probably already been flushed, so it didn’t really matter.

He grinned. “That’s what I taste like? Brown sugar and mint?”

She nodded mutely, her very breath taken away by that grin.

“I never would have thought.” He frowned and her heart plummeted. That is, until he spoke. “How long have you been there?”

“Long enough. Boy, you sure know how ta make a move, Kuchiki.”

She turned her head, not moving from his lap for the simple fact that he’d wrapped his arms around her waist possessively. Standing in the door was eleventh division captain, Zaraki Kenpachi. He had a feral grin on his face and the little girl on his shoulder did nothing to make him appear any gentler. His look gained more viciousness when she looked at him, making her gasp.

“Ken-chan? What were they doin’?” The pink haired little girl asked curiously from the brute’s shoulder.

“Snoggin’.” He replied with a snigger.

“Oh, yeah!” She chirped, then frowned in contemplation. “What’s that?”

“Nevermin’.” He leaned against the doorframe and watched them closely. “Now what? Did you inten’ on screwin’ ‘er nex’?”

Byakuya’s reiatsu slipped ever so slightly, but his face never once gained any emotion. “Mind your own business, Zaraki.” He growled, his arms tightening possessively on her waist.

The bigger man snorted. “Yeah, righ’. Come on. Tell me. Did ya?”

Before either man could say anything else, Unohana spoke up. “So what if he did? Please, Zaraki. Just leave. I don’t want anyone to fight. It’s unnecessary and foolish. Go.”

He frowned. “Wha’ever. Let’s go ge’ Yumichika an’ make ‘im pay fer ice cream, Yachiru.” He said with a shrug.

“Yay! Ice cream, ice cream, ice cream!” The child chanted as they left. “Can Mr. Baldy come?”

Unohana let out the breath she hadn’t known she was holding and looked at Byakuya, surprised to find him staring at her wide-eyed. “What?”

“Did you mean that?” He asked after a moment.

“Mean what?” She asked, confused.

He closed his eyes and shook his head. “Nevermind. If you don’t remember it, than it wasn’t important.”

She thought back over what was said and realized what he was talking about.

“Yeah, righ’. Come on. Tell me. Did ya?”

“So what if he did?”


His head snapped up and he looked at her strangely. “You meant it? You wouldn’t care?”

She looked down and shook her head. “No.” She swallowed. “But-“

She never finished. He pressed his mouth to hers and she couldn’t think at all anymore.


Waking up to be accosted by Gin’s roaming eyes took second place to standing before Aizen Sousuke. He was downright creepy. His brown eyes roamed over her entire person, making her feel like a juicy stake on a platter. You know, creepy. Not to mention the room’s other occupants. The Espada were staring at her like she was covered in soy sauce and they hadn’t eaten in a week.

This thought gave her pause and she wondered what raw steak covered in soy sauce would taste like.

She shook her head to clear it of the weird thought, only to have her stomach growl. “Damn.” She chuckled nervously and took a swing of the nearly untouched bottle of sake that Matsumoto had thoughtfully grabbed for her. What a nice shinigami. She would make a very good pet. “Woah.” Weird thought.

“’Woah’?” Aizen echoed, lifting a brow fractionally at her.

“I’m drunk. My thought process is all screwy.” She explained without really thinking about it. “What does raw steak dipped in soy sauce taste like?”

He quirked a brow again. She noticed it was the opposite brow and burst out laughing. He needed to keep his eyebrows equal, apparently.

“Gin, I thought she was supposed to be sober.” Aizen said as everyone gave the odd woman weird looks.

“Yeah. I know. Cou’dn’t stop ‘er.”

She’s a much nicer person when she’s drunk. Rouzeki spoke up from in front of Aizen, nearly making him jump. could not catch her sober to save your soul, anyway.

He lifted the first brow, making Enmaki burst into a new torrent of laughter. “What do you find so humorous, Yasuraka-san?”

She blinked and answered again without thinking. “Did you know that you never quirk the same eyebrow twice in a row?” She asked, straightening.

“Ya know, she’s righ’.” Gin put in.

Aizen resisted the urge to roll his eyes. “I see. And that’s what’s funny.” It wasn’t a question. More a statement.

Just ask her things. She can’t lie when she’s drunk and she doesn’t tell half-truths simply because she answers without thinking. Rouzeki said with a sigh of annoyance.

“Very well. Have a seat, Yasuraka-san.”

“Um, no.” She shook her head. “I want to be able to bolt fairly easily. You guys are creepy.”

Gin sniggered.

“She’s annoying.” Someone muttered from among the Espada.

She whirled. “I am NOT annoying!” She screamed, then turned back to Aizen with an innocent smile as several of the Espada flinched. “Nothing to freak over, though.” She said.

Aizen was getting a headache. If he’d known she’d be like this, he wouldn’t have worried about it. Maybe he should just send her to Seireitei and let them deal with her antics?

“Hi, Mr. Tousen!” She squealed suddenly, waving to the hidden shinigami in the shadowed corner of the room. Several of the Espada turned in surprise, not having known he was there.

The man only shifted his stance in the corner, but didn’t reply. She pouted. “You could say somethin’, ya know! You’re blind, not mute. Last time I checked, at least.” She said with an indignant huff.

“And how do you know all this?” Aizen asked curiously, effectively drawing attention away from the uncomfortable shinigami in the shadows.

She shrugged. “Gotta have a hobby, don’t I?”

“I thought that was gardening.”

“Well, what do ya think I do the rest of the time? Count sheep? Make money off of people having-“

“No.” Aizen interrupted, wincing. “I suppose not.”

There were a few coughs and Gin sniggered from his seat on the floor. “She’s blun’.” He said, his grin widening.

“I mean, don’t get me wrong.” She continued as if no one had said anything. “I could be a pimp, but that’s just weird.”

“Alright. Enough goofing off. Yasuraka-san, I have a proposition for you.” Aizen said with a sigh.

“Does it have anything to do with ducks? I love ducks. Come to think of it, I love dicks, too.” She tapped her chin thoughtfully as Gin burst out laughing.

“You love my dick?” He asked.

Her nose screwed up in thought. “I don’t know. I’ve never seen your dick. What does it look like?” She cocked her head curiously.

“We are not going there. Gin, sit down!” Aizen said, wide-eyed, as the blue-haired shinigami started to stand.

“Ooh! I know! We could play dick, dick, goose!” She shouted, a triumphant grin on her lips. It suddenly vanished. “Wait. I have that wrong, don’t I?” She frowned.

“Nope.” Gin said, his grin getting almost too big for his face. “Tha’s abou’ righ’.”

“Get out of here.” Aizen growled in annoyance. “Matsumoto-san, bring her back to her room and stay there with her. Gin, may I have a word with you?”

“Ramen!” Enmaki squealed, rushing out of the room before Matsumoto.


I know, it’s a bit weird. I hope it was as sidesplitting to you as it was to me. I really enjoyed writing it! Review!
And I know Byakuya's severly Oc, but you'll live. And so will he, incidentally.
© 2008 - 2024 LostTotheHoping
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pyonkti's avatar
Hahaha, I LOVE this one, keep it up.